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Candy Corn Mason Jars for Easy DIY Crafts

Posted by Crafts with Nancy & Michelle on 10 20 21

Candy Corn Mason Jars for Easy DIY Crafts

Candy corn mason jars are such a fun gift during autumn. You can use them as a tasty decor item on your table or at your holiday parties. You can even fill your mason jars with pumpkin candy or hot chocolate powder and marshmallows. Let's get started on this 5-minute craft! 

What You'll Need:

  • Small Mason Jar
  • Candy to fill the jar
  • 6-inch square of fabric
  • Ribbon or twine 
  • Scissors for cutting fabric and twin
  • Fabric ruler

How to Put it Together:

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry your mason jars.
  2. Fill the jar with candy and add the cover.

  3. Cut your fabric to a 6x6 square. 

  4. Center your fabric on the mason jar cover.

  5. Choose and cut your ribbon based on the size of your mason jar. Be sure to cut enough to tie around the jar and to add a bow. We keep our ribbon in the Large Ribbon Dispenser.

  6. Tie your ribbon around the rim of the jar to hold the fabric in place. 

Voilà, it's that easy to create a fun little treat jar.